Friday, December 2, 2011

A Letter To My Staff

first its most important to say congratulations and thank you to my staff, and those at desert companion who chose to name us as "restaurant of the year".. its a real honor for myself to be even considered. we are one restaurant among an over saturated area of great places to eat. its a great accomplishment and you all should be very proud.
This is the first step of many great things to come, one small notch on the belt .
one of the main goals of our profession is to provide happiness and stir emotions within and prove what we do at Comme ca is a constant evolution that includes many different types of disciplines. For that reason, it’s important to carry out our quests and fulfill our dreams with authenticity, humility, and above all, passion,
and anything is possible. we are some of the best out there..

There will be people who disagree with this award.. but what defines "restaurant of the year" here is my definition. a constant strive to be on top, a team of dedicated individuals who improve regularly , food that has focus, integrity, and textural balance; every meal is a good experience, if not a life long memory. and a team that is not afraid to fail and come back and tell u to kiss there ass because they nailed it over and over... ..continue to evolve and put themselves out there and tell everyone "we are some of the best" so to me there are many restaurants of the year.. but don't forget, we want it more ! and we have earned it!

Comme ca, this is a perfect way to end 2011 and move into the new year geared up and ready to prove why we are the restaurant of the year. again Thank you for all the effort, hard work and integrity you all carry.

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