Wednesday, October 13, 2010


 The Finger Lime is native to Australia and has been used as a food source for many thousands of generations by the Australian Aboriginal people. Due to land clearing by European settlement for farming, much of this rare fruit was destroyed, however isolated pockets of sub-tropical rainforest on private land and National Parks still remain with some Finger Lime trees surviving. It is from these remaining pockets of Finger Lime trees that all commercially available trees have been sourced.These Spheres of excitment as i would call them come in many varitetals based on maturity, as they develope there color deppens as well as flavor.
I was recently introduced to these by my sous chef , we discussed the posibilities of using this fruit as caviar rather then replicating the flavor of citrus through the use of chemicals and natural flavor additives. the posibilites are endless. "the tiny fruit cells packed with citrus juice that explodes in your mouth".

one topic discussed was replacing masago with the lime cells in tuna dynamite. we are researching other possibilities and will be showcasing them at " the last supper" this weekend.

what would you do with them?

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